Unit 9 Final Task

Unit 9 Final Task

Postby Anna Ma Buñuel » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:06 am

Learning English BBC
It is not the first time I have a look at this website, in fact, I use it quite often with my students. In my opinion, helping students learn with tools they are used to and enjoy (the internet, vídeos, oral comprehension through image instead of just a recording, grammar games and others) is more rewarding than just following the textbook and using CDs. I mostly use it with students who already have a certain level of the Language (intermediate plus), that is, students of 4 ESO and 1st and 2nd Batxillerat and really enjoy after class activities or just want to practice a little bit more at home.. They have a higher level than the younger ones.
Words in the news. ‘Record-breaking Royal’
This is really easy, BBC Learning English already gives you pdf files with exercises to do in class and links to discuss topics other than vocabulary or grammar
Warm-up. I would begin the class with some questions regarding the British Royal family
1 Who’s the Queen of England? Tell me sth about her.
2 What do you know about the British Royal family? Members, gossip!
3 How log have the Windsors reigned over the country?
Intro. Read the news and watch some of the vídeos. Here’s the link
It includes text and videos. This would probably take at least 20 min. I would keep some of the vídeos to watch at the end of the class, especially the one of the opening ceremony of the London Olympic games in 2012.
Show the BBC vídeo (without the transcript) and write some of the words on the board, the ones the activity suggests for students to learn (overtaken-gone past, longest-serving-person in a position for the most amount of time, self-styled-named by herself, memorabilia-objects collected which are connected to an event or person, shrine-(here) a place to pay respect to a person or institution.
-Match words to definitions (scrambling)
-Use those words to complete sentences (exercise given by BBC, pdf file)
-Check answers and learn about them through the links given
-Choose one of the stories and summarize it as if you were going to present a news bulletin
Anna Ma Buñuel

Re: Unit 9 Final Task

Postby Oksana_Gavrish » Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:35 pm

To tell the truth I find this website very useful, it is suitable to all levels and age groups, there are materials and courses for everyone, also I find materials modern and entertaining, they include latest cultural events and news, it's also possible to find there materials for training all types of skills and helping the students with some special needs and interests, like drama, prononciation, business.
I am teaching in a school that has all the necessary technology. I Choose a piece of material from the BBC site that is suitable for a group of young adults at intermediate level studying general English
Topic "Goodbye 2019 and hello 2020!"
Lead in: What was the brightest events of 2019 for you?
Presentation: Videos:1 Notre Dame fire
2 Greta Thunberg's UN speech
3 Climate change: Rich countries must pay for poor.
Practice: Devide student in 3 teams, their aim is to present their topic in the most interesting way and explain, why their event was the most important . For this teacher would use worksheets from the site to provide vocabulary practice and sentance structure practice. Give students 5 questions to answer in group for better presentation. Students make the presentation, answer the questions, and choose the best one, by voting, then there is a quiz about all 3 topics for the group.

Re: Unit 9 Final Task

Postby Irina » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:57 pm

This site has got full of usefull tools for presenting and post-sections exercises. I often download different pictures for my young learners ( classroom language, food, transport, etc.) and printable tasks for them.
If you want to diversity the adults class, you can find some fascinating materials that help to cheer the students up more then just following the coursebook or using the audio from it.
There are the sections with different aims to develop ( vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, for children, etc.) that are based on level you choose.
I am teaching in a school that has all the necessary technology. I Choose a piece of material from the BBC site that is suitable for a group of young adults at intermediate level studying general English.
Topic "Useful Dating Language"
This section helps to learn the language sts need to survive in the something strange world of dating.
Warm-up: How often do you go on dates? What's the best and the worst date you've ever had? Discuss with your partner
Lead-in: T gives the dialogue with the wrong dating phrases. Sts need to correct them using own ideas. Discuss as an open class.
Watching: watch the video and write down some key dating language.
Post-watching: Do the quiz
Make your own dialogue using new dating language.

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