UNIT2 - 7. Forum - 2. Daily routine

UNIT2 - 7. Forum - 2. Daily routine

Postby Sergio Baudine » Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:47 pm

1. When do you get up?
I get up at 9 a.m.

2. When do you go to work?
I work at my home , work remotely.

3. Do you work all day or only in the morning or the afternoon?
I work remotely during the day, I don't have a fixed schedule, I usually do video conferences until 10 pm, depending on the day.
Some days of homework deliveries, work Saturdays and Sundays

4. When do you finish work?
I usually work to 20 p.m.

5. What do you do in the evening?
I dinner and then watch tv .
Sergio Baudine

Re: UNIT2 - 7. Forum - 2. Daily routine -

Postby Sergio Baudine » Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:50 pm

I did not find another post similar to my work.
Sergio Baudine

Re: UNIT2 - 7. Forum - 2. Daily routine

Postby Guest » Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:48 am

I get up at seven o'clock.
I go to work at eight o'clock.
I work only in the morning.
I finish work at three o'clock.
I walk with my dogs.

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