find out whats on

find out whats on

Postby AMY » Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:18 am

Las Vegas is like a big theme park, each hotel / -censured- is of a different theme, that's why there are hotels like the "Caesar" that emulate the city of Rome with its amphitheatres and Fontana di Trevi, the "Luxor" And its great pyramid with a sphinx and obelisks, the "Venetian" where it is always daytime and the feeling of being in Venice itself, the "New York New York", where you can move from one side of the hotel to the other between the Empire State building, the statue of Liberty and the rest of emblematic buildings through the middle of a roller coaster) and where by the way it smells like New York; the beautiful "Excalibur" which is a medieval fortress

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