Aid Organisations Net Search

Aid Organisations Net Search

Postby Andres Monsalve » Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:30 pm

World Bank: Its an organization that helps poor countries working like an economic bank, its in united states and start in 1944.
Action Aid: its an organization that work in united kingdom that help poor countries in Africa, America and Asia since 1972.
Caritas: Its a world organization that have presence in a lot of countries, its founded by catholic church, to fight with poverty, exclusion, discrimination and intolerance, it was founded in 1897.
Care International: acronym "Cooperative for assistance and relief everywhere", this organization works around the world, it doesn't have government, helps with the relief of the people who need it since 1945.
Oxfam: Founded in oxford in 1942 after the second world war, is a Britain organization that fights against hungry.
Andres Monsalve

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