Practising Grammar

Practising Grammar

Postby Belen » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:06 pm

1. There are many games which teachers can use to make practice activities more interesting and motivating for students. Do you have any favourite games which you use to practise specific language items?
Of course, there are many activities to use in the classroom, especially if you have teenagers, in my class I use to play hot potatoe, tic tac toe with verbs, hang man, spelling words, describing a people, tell me about, in every play the students has to talk with another partners and share their experiences.

2. How do you try to make controlled practice activities more communicative and motivating for your learners?
I use to do interesting activities , where the students can feel confortable with an specific topics, as a teacher I´ve to find these kind of activities in order to receive their whole attention. Another thing could be , find activities for their different skills and tried to adapted to the rest of the group.

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