Unit I

Unit I

Postby Mariseal » Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:35 am

STATEMENT 1:I totally disagree! All ages students like singing. Songs have been taking part in the learning process helping students to improve their pronunciation as well as memorizing new words. Teachers should use songs according to the students needs and ages.

SATATEMENT 2:I disagree, Instead of working in a review of the previous topic, it would be better to start with a new topic, so during the developing of the class, we can retake the previous topic inductively, thus we avoid boring students working in a review. On the other hand, ending the class with a song it is not always suitable.

STATEMENT 3: Of course I agree! Some students are very fast when working in an activity, whereas some others take lots of minutes on it. Due to active students are keen to develop their skills, it is an excellent idea to give them an extra task. Faster students can also take the role as a “helper/tutor” advising their classmates in case of having problems with the activity.

Re: Unit I

Postby marlene » Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:43 pm

I disagree all children likes to sing so you can find song that can be adecuate to their age

Re: Unit I

Postby Marisela » Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:30 pm

Marlene thanks for Reading my comments! But I agree with adding songs in the class. Would you like to reread what I wrote? Thanks!!!

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