What about you

What about you

Postby Maria Martinez » Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:21 pm

1. Do you give money to aid organisations? Why? / Why not?
2. Which organisations do you think it is important to give money to? Why?
3. Do you know of any famous people who do work for aid organisations? What organisations do they work for? What do they do?

1. I have never given money to aid organizations. However, my family and I have sometimes helped people affected or affected by the war by offering them market, not money.
2. I think the organizations that are important to give money to Teleton, because there many children who need financial help to pay for their treatment, and many of them are poor or do not have the resources to have optimal living standards .
3. I know the story of shakira, who has a foundation to help the most needy children of cazuca, and also has other spaces destined for the recreation of these children. The foundation of shakira is called: Fundacion piez barefoot
Maria Martinez

Re: What about you

Postby Jessica Sanchez » Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:48 pm

1. Do you give money to aid organisations? Why? / Why not?
2. Do you know of any famous people who do work for aid organisations? What organisations do they work for? What do they do?

1. I don't give money to aid organisations because I thought that help it's more than just giving money, for this reason my family and me carry market
2. I know the story of Madonna, she created the Rising Malaw Foundation, she helps children in extreme poverty in Africa
Jessica Sanchez

Re: What about you

Postby alejandra correa » Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:23 pm

1. Do you give money to aid organisations? Why? / Why not?
R: Personally, I do not like to give money to aid organizations because there is evidence that most people steal silver and do not give it to people or foundations that actually need it. I prefer to help directly with people who need money.

2. Which organisations do you think it is important to give money to? Why?
R: Anyone.
alejandra correa

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