unit 2

unit 2

Postby iva » Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:38 pm

My planning style- I like Deniz´s planning. I normally plan a week (three lessons). I try to plan the lesson in a logical order of actvities as I also think this helps the lesson flow. Normally we start off with a chat/warmer about the theme based on the theme of the unit or lesson, then we move onto the vocabulary and do a reading or listening. Then I normally do a speaking activity connected to the grammar point.I also normally set either writing or grammar work for homework. I use the interactive board, computer.We watch an episode of a series in English with comprehension questions, just to break things up.

Re: unit 2

Postby Admin » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:55 am

This sounds really good Iva! I like the fact that you include a lot of speaking in your lessons - that's what most students want. I also think it is really a great idea to get students to do grammar work at home, rather than spend valuable class time on it. Where do you teach? What kind of a school is it? It sounds like you are very well equipped!
Thanks for writing and see you again soon.
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