Planning a unit of work

Planning a unit of work

Postby mllufriu » Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:39 pm

1. I think my planning is more like Paolo's, because I try to vary and prepare different types of activities during the three 55-minute lessons I have per week . I like to surprise my students now and then. However, as we do have to follow a book, there is some sort of routine, as each unit is shaped the same way.
2. In my opinion the topics we study should be relevant to the students. If they are interested in what we are doing they will be more productive and they will remember (something). I I think we should try to vary activities, always with an eye for balance and logic. It is not just doing this, and that, and then that for the sake of variety. There should be a clear aim which we want to achieve.
3. I normally use the coursebook as a guide, so I have a general idea of what I want to achieve. Then I use as much as I can and change whatever I feel necessary. Sometimes it varies depending on the group(s) I have this year. I tend to plan the three lessons of the week, always leaving possibilities of change and extra ideas - just in case.
4. Perhaps you just need a good coursebook to start with. There is so much fantastic material around! When you feel more confident with the book - and with yourself - you'll be able to make changes and introduce new things.

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