Unit 1. Discussion Points

Unit 1. Discussion Points

Postby Esther Mellinas » Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:33 pm

Discussion point 2
I think that when working with grammar it’s also very useful to see if there are students who already know something about that particular grammar point or if they can relate it to something they already know. If there is any student who does, then it’s a good opportunity to ask about examples or contexts where this grammar point is used. This gives a very good oportunity to have more students involved.
In the case it is something they can somewhat relate to their L1, it’s also very useful to ask them to say how that particular grammar point is in their L1.
Discussion point 3
I completely agree with the fact that ‘Every group is a mixed-ability group’
I must admit that this is one of the most difficult aspects I deal with every day in my classes. Both getting to know the students and using a wide varierty of different activities help, in my opinion, to get the most of the group.
Esther Mellinas

Re: Unit 1. Discussion Points

Postby Admin » Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:11 am

Good point about the grammar, finding out what the learners already know. I also think it's an excellent idea to compare English grammar with the way their own language works. In international textbooks the students' L1 is usually totally ignored, which is not a good thing.
see you again soon,
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