Net search -Environmental issues

Net search -Environmental issues

Postby Albert Calvo » Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:32 am

Find four or more alternative energy sources to fossil fuels. Put them in order. Which are best suited to the country you live in?
Alternative energy is energy that comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, water, tides, waves and geothermal heat.
In my country where I live the best Alternative energy is energy derived from Sunlight, wind and water.
Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation.
Water energy is the energy derived from the movement water and it can be harnessed and used ( Hydroelectricity and Hydropower).
Wind energy is the energy derived from Airflows that it can be used to run wind turbines
Does recycling really save energy and resources?
Yes of course. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, in general, using recycled material consumes less energy that excavating natural resources from the earth. Recycling has additional benefits, such as preventing the use of limited natural resources.

Find out about one current campaign of Greenpeace.
The Energy [R]evolution 2012 provides a consistent fundamental pathway for protecting our climate through investment in renewable energy. It's about getting the world from where we are now to where we need to be by phasing out fossil fuels and cutting CO2 emissions while ensuring energy security.
The expert consensus is that this fundamental shift in the way we consume and generate energy must begin immediately and be well underway within the next ten years in order to avert the worst impacts of climate change. The scale of the challenge requires a complete transformation of the way we produce, consume and distribute energy, while maintaining economic growth.

What other environmental organizations are there? What do they do?
Celebrating its 120th year, the iconic and beloved National Geographic Society is one of the largest, most well-funded and most prominent environmental organizations. Focusing on science-based research and general interest as well as conservation efforts, Nat Geo is decidedly environmentalist without that being the overt thrust of the organization, choosing instead to celebrate amazing wonders of the earth and its creatures. Its mission: “Since 1888, we’ve traveled the Earth, sharing its amazing stories with each new generation. National Geographic’s Mission Programs support critical expeditions and scientific fieldwork, encourage geography education for students, promote natural and cultural conservation, and inspire audiences…”
Albert Calvo

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