My FaMiLy

My FaMiLy

Postby sorayas » Wed May 21, 2008 7:01 pm

I have only five cousins, a girl and the rest are boys. We are splitted in two groups "the oldies" and "the babys" because we have different ages, the oldies have 30, 28, 25 and 19 years old and the babys are 7, the girl with two and a half years old and the youngest person in my family who is a year and a half.

In the other side, the oldest person in my family are my grandmother, she is 84 years old.

I do not have children but I have a pet, it is a doggy boy called troy and is a roan english cocker spaniel, he is nearly eleven human years old.

In my core family we are two brothers.

I am not sure if I have family living in a foreing country.

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