Postby CRISTINA » Wed May 14, 2008 6:39 pm

Feng Shui advice:

The bedroom
You will need the bed far the door. You won't put mirrors behind the bed and if you move to house or change the boyfriend/girlfriend (husband/wife) you will change the bed or the bed-linen.

The living-room
You might put differents styles of chairs. For a best comunication you must put the armchair by the side of the sofa.

The bed-room for child
The child need somewhere they can put the collage and pictures in the home. The perfect place is on the fridge. And is necessary the children know the nature, you can put the plants or have a dog, cat ,,,

The kitchen
The cooking is most old than the Feng Shui. The five elements, water, fire, land, wood and metal are present in the kitchen. The cooker hasn't back to the door. It isn't window in front of the kitchen. And you will distinguisht in the kitchen the place where you're cooking than the place where you're eating.

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