Most useful electrical equipment

Most useful electrical equipment

Postby Pepe » Sat May 10, 2008 4:10 pm

I think the most useful electrical equipment maybe are:

1.- Mobile phone, is it necessary I explain because?
2.- Remote control, because there are more and more devices at house, and each one have its remote control.
3.- Alarm clock, who don’t need to wake up at a exactly time?
4.- Microwave oven, it’s so practical!
5.- Laptop computer, because you use new technologies wherever and whenever you want.

Re: Most useful electrical equipment

Postby esther » Mon May 12, 2008 9:23 am

The five most useful to me are:

microwave oven: when you don't have time to cook, it's faster than a tradicional oven
laptop computer: you can work with programms and send information in everywhere
mobile phone: it allow you to be in contact with friends at evey moment of the day
alarm clocK: I need this item to wake up at a determinate hour
remote control: it's confortable and faster than press a button in the front desk of the tv

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