Brand names

Brand names

Postby Raquel » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:20 pm

1. Levi Strauss Company was founded by Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss in 1953.
2. The most popular actor what influenced wearing jeans was James Dean.
A big problem with the miners' clothes were the pockets, which easily tore away from the jeans. A man called Jacob Davis had the idea of using metal rivets (fasteners) to hold the pockets and the jeans together so that they wouldn't tear. Davis wanted to patent his idea, but he didn't have enough money, so in 1872, he wrote to Levi Strauss and offered Strauss a deal if Strauss would pay for the patent. Strauss accepted, and he started making copper-riveted 'waist overalls' (as jeans were called then).
In 1886, Levi sewed a leather label on their jeans. The label showed a picture of a pair of jeans that were being pulled between two horses. This was to advertise how strong Levi jeans were: even two horses could not tear them apart.
4. Footwear, clothin: t-shirts, trac, hats, tops, bottons; bags, windrunners and shells, hoodies and sweets....
5. Rayban sunglasses company started in 1937, was founded by Bausch and Lomb.

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