

Postby Languages » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:27 pm

1. Foreing languages at school

I think the Latin should be included as a school subject. The Spanish language is a Latin-derived Romance language. It was the international language of science and scholarship in mid and western Europe until the 17th century. And it is a part of our historyy.

2. Disappearing languages

The government of Lep has the obligation to promote all the historic and cultural expressions of their population. And the twenty per cent of the population is enough to make an effort to conserve the language.

3. In my country

Spanish or Castilian is an official language of Spain. There are other languages spoken in Spain such as Galician, Basque and Valencian/Catalan, this languages are official in their respective Autonomous Communities.
I think is important to keep and support this languages becaise is imporant for the identity of a Country.

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