Famous houses

Famous houses

Postby raquel » Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:53 am

1. Whos was the first president that lived in the white house?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Jonh Adams
c) Ronald Reagan

2. How many years have the "Numbers 10"?

a) one hundred years old
b) two hundred years old
c) almost three hundred years old

3. Where is the "Graceland"?

a) Is in Memphis
b) is in New Yorkç
c) is in Washington

Re: Famous houses

Postby overwhelming » Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:52 pm

Dear Raquel,

I will try to answer your questions!!! Wish me good luck!
1b President John Adams
2c Almost three hundread years
3a Is in Memphis
Are they correct??
Best whises!

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