Unit 10-Festivals

Unit 10-Festivals

Postby Montse Ponsdomènech » Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:59 pm

Feast of St Juan is celebrated on June 24, is very ancient festival which is celebrated the summer solsticie, is a fire to give streng to the sun.
In Catalonia celebrates the festival of San Juan as "Nigth of Fire" or "Nigth Witches" is a celebration of origih pagano the outdoor dining with family and friends to eat with candied fruit , or coca greaves ( Chicharrones).

Saint V alentine's Day 14 February , he called the day of lovers , are exchanged heart - shaped symbols to the beloved , and also giving away free roses.

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st is the eve of All Saints in anglo - saxon countries like Canada , Ireland , The United States. It is associated with orange and black scrany stories , the faces and decorates pumpkins with candies inside , constume parties.
Montse Ponsdomènech

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