Postby CLAUDIAM10 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:26 pm


a. What do you think about the information that you read about “FENG SHUI” in the READING section of the unit?
I think, the “FENG SHUI” is a interesting form or life style, and the concepts management as the energy flow, colors, position of the thing are interesting. It is a form of organize the place when you are, but for me in some case it needs big quantities of money and it is a variable tendency and it implicates permanent change in decoration.
As concept is good but implement it for me is expensive.

b. Do you think it sounds interesting?
I think it is interesting.

c. Do you think “FENG SHUI”is just common sense?
I think in some case is common sense for example in the order to put furniture or combine colors, but in some case it is not common sense for example the point when they said “NO CORNERS” because it is a architectural concept.

d. Do you know anything else about “FENG SHUI”?
Yes, I know something as “NO CORNER” because it limits the think, “ PUT STUDY CERTIFICATES OR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IN A PLACE WHERE THE PEOPLE CAN SEE THEM" because is important show and see the achievements.

e. Do you know anyone who has tried it or believe in it?
No, I don’t know anyone who has tried it or believe in it.

f. Do you know of any buildings or places where you live that are designed according to the principles or “FENG SHUI”?
No, I don’t know any building or place that have “FENG SHUI” principles.

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