Clothes Survey

Clothes Survey

Postby Tomàs » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:25 pm

OK! Find below my questions about clothes...

- Do you like wearing big or thin sunglasses?
- How trendy do you think Catalan people are?
- Do you look good wearing an elegant suit or dress?
- Do you hate wearing an elegant suit or dress? (I sure do it!)
- Are you a funny person who like dressing coloured clothes?
- Maybe are you a politician? (Sorry! You MUST wear very boring formal clothes for life.)
- Well, how often do you wear jeans (Oh! Where did me read this sentence before?)
- How often do you wear flared jeans... striped jeans... faded jeans...
- Finally, when did you go to see a James Dean film for last time?


Re: Clothes Survey

Postby Lucy (tutor) » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:37 pm

Hi Tomàs,

Thanks for posting on the noticeboard about clothes. These are great questions, and very entertaining! I'm going to answer them.

- I prefer sunglasses that are not too big.
- I think that they are mostly very trendy.
- Well, maybe, but I don't usually wear elegant clothes!
- Maybe not hate, but I don't really like it!
- It depends. Sometimes.
- I'm certainly not a politician!
- A lot.
- Sometimes flared, sometimes faded but never striped.
- I haven't seen a James Dean film for a very long time. Maybe 3 or 4 years? I don't remember!
Lucy (tutor)

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