Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Postby Glòria » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:26 pm


I knew Feng Shui before, and I find it's interessant, but I don't practice it. Or I don't use it.
I think it's difficult if you want to adapted your house at the feng shui. I read in this unit that, for example, your bed don't must be in front of a window because your spirit can go....Oh my God, I don't sleep in front of a window...I sleep in front of a balcon...!! My spirit can go far away!

I belive in this energy that feng shui to explain, but in this moment I don't practice. I put all my furniture where I like and where I do feel good. It's not important when I sleep in front of a balcon, or if in the kitchen the cooker it's not be opposite the door...And now, when I think that while I sleep my spirit can go, I find exiciting!

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