Unit 1

Unit 1

Postby Mon » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:19 am

1. Your opinion
The best football team in the world is Brasil
The best actor in the world is Robert de Niro
Italian wine is the best in the world. I think that, the best wine in the world is from Penedès.
2. Your city or town
I'm from Barcelona, a city in the East of Catalonia. There are small mountains, see, beach... there are tree milion of population and is a multi cultural place.
Barcelona is smaller than London, and cheaper, and the weather is better. London is a funny city there are more museums than Barcelona and the most part of them are free.
3. Your opinion
The Olympic Games was the best of the last 15 years in Barcelona. The people life the sport everywere, the face of the city was clean and now is more comfortable to live. We have beach, and a lot of new instalations for to practice sport.
The worst was the prices. From Olympic Games all is expensive, and there are to much turism.

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