Guess the film...

Guess the film...

Postby NuriaS » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:02 pm


This film was filmed in 1986, and was directed by Roland Joffé. It has had a lot of nominations and awards. The most important were the Golden Palm in Cannes in 1986, two Golden Globes for the music and the screenplay and an Oscar for the best cinematography. The great musician Ennio Morricone signed it’s original score. The genre of the film is adventure and drama and it was set in Southamerica in 18th century, during the Jesuit Reductions. The cast was very famous with Robert de Niro as Rodrigo Mendoza, a mercenary and bad man converted as a jesuit, and Jeremy Irons as Father Gabriel, a spanish jesuit priest who wants to convert the Guaranní community. The film was not basen on a novel, it was a original story and screenplay by Robert Bolt. Do you know of what film I’m talking about?

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