moon travel

moon travel

Postby nlopez » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:36 pm

• Do you think Moon travel of this type is a real possibility? I think it can be possible in the future.
• Would you go? What do you think you would enjoy and learn from the experience? I don’t like go to the Moon because I supose it frigtened me, especially the travel because it can be dangerous.
• Do you think space travel in general is useful? What do you think we can learn from travelling in outer space? I supose it isn’t enjoying neither useful to be float all the day but by other side travelling in outer space can be a way to learn more about our environment and if is possible the life in other planet or if we can find water or other important elements for our life.
• Do you think the money spent on space travel should be used for other things here on Earth? I think that there are a lot of problems in the Earth that can be solve with the money spent on space travel.

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