Chat unit one

Chat unit one

Postby Natju » Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:43 pm

I think, the twin who drinks slowly, is allergic to this drink and he dies.
She doesn´t realize her husband could be in this plane.

-What is the name of the king of Spain?
1.Alfonso 2.Carlos 3.Juan Carlos
- What day is the national party?
1.1th Nov 2.12th Oct 3.15th May
-Where are Cantabria?
1. North of Spain 2. Eastern part 3. South of Spain
-What is the sports Raul Gonzalez plays? 2.futball
-What is the capital of Spain?
1. Madrid 2.Barcelona 3.Bilbao
1. I have thirteen cousins.
2. The oldest person in my family is my grandmother. She is 87 years old.
3. The youngest in my family is my cousin Rafael. He is 22 years old.
4.I haven´t got any children but I am pregnant.
5.Yes I have one brother.
6.No, all my relatives live in Spain.

Re: Chat unit one

Postby Pablo » Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:48 pm

Family puzzles.
The twins.
I think that the twin who drinks more slowly dies because the drink have a poison.
The married couple and the plane crash.
The wife of Alan don´t make nothing, becase She is seeing a video recorder.

1. What is the typical food in Spain.
a. Hamburger b. Cheese c. Paella

2. How many habitans have Spain got?
a. 10 million b. 30 million c. 40 million

3. Who is the princess of Spain.
a. Carla Bruni b. Leticia Savater c. Letizia Ortiz

4. What is the capital of the Spain.
a. Barcelona b. Madrid c. Bilbao

5. Who is the president of Spain.
a. Zapatero b. Rajoy c.Sarkozy

3. Anwers.
I have four cousins.
The oldest person in my family is my grandmother.
I am the youngest in my family.
I don´t have childrens.
No, but I would like to live in a foreign country.

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