

Postby Ange » Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:08 pm

Oxfam International is a confederation of 14 like-minded organizations working together and with partners and allies around the world. They believe they can end poverty and injustice, as part of a global movement for change.
They work in different actions:
They work with and through partners and communities on long-term programs to eradicate poverty and combat injustice.
They deliver immediate life-saving assistance to people affected by natural disasters or conflict, and help to build their resilience to future disasters.
They are part of a global movement for change. We raise public awareness of the causes of poverty and encourage ordinary people to take action for a fairer world.
They press decision-makers to change policies and practices that reinforce poverty and injustice.
Policy research
They can speak with authority as a result of thorough research and analysis, and the real experience of our partners in developing countries.

They raise money about Donatives, Campaings, Volunteers, official subsidies.

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