spending time

spending time

Postby Nuria López » Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:32 pm

1. Spending time.
How long does it take you to tidy your room?
How long does it take you to get dressed?
How much time do you spend reading a book?
How much time do you spend brushing your teeth?

2. Wasting time.
Do you think that sleeping is a waste of time?
Do you think that having a rest is a waste of time?
Do you think that cleaning is a waste of time?
Do you think that going for a walk is a waste of time?

3. Your opinion.
In my opinion there are differences between women and men or between young people and old people, in their education, in their position on the labour market, in their culturals activities and other spheres of their life.
Everyone spend their time doing something either useful or useless, but I think that nothing that you do is waste time.
Nuria López

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