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Unidad 6 parte 11

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 7:34 pm
by MarikenaRodriguez
Yesterday i went to the park.
Yesterday i went to a party with my friend David.
Yesterday i went to the cinema.
Yesterday i went outside with my mama's mason jar lyrics.
Yesterday i went to school.
Yesterday i met him at the bus stop.
Yesterday i met a man who was blind with the right eye.
Yesterday i met one of my friends by chance in the supermarket.
Yesterday i met with an accident.
Yesterday i met the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother.

Re: Unidad 6 parte 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:51 pm
by nkoyoc
I work in a hotel. i got up about 6 and had a breaksfast with my son. he goed a school. I took my car to hotel. I arrived at 8. I woeked all morning, then a had a lunch. I usully have lunch in the hotel canteen. after lunch i work until 6pm. then took my car home . then we had dinner and watcked tv. I went to bed at about 11.

Re: Unidad 6 parte 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:52 pm
by Guest
nkoyoc wrote:
> I work in a hotel. i got up about 6 and had a breaksfast with my son. he
> goed a school. I took my car to hotel. I arrived at 8. I worked all
> morning, then a had a lunch. I usully have lunch in the hotel canteen.
> after lunch i work until 6pm. then took my car home . then we had dinner
> and watcked tv. I went to bed at about 11.

Re: Unidad 6/ 11

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:31 pm
by rodolfo.cocaro
Hello !!! how are you??!!!

Yesterday i went to the cinema.
Yesterday i went to a airport with my friends.
Yesterday i went to fly.
Yesterday i went to mother`s house .
Yesterday i went to shopping.
Yesterday i met her at bus the park.
Yesterday i met one of my friends in the bus station.
Yesterday i met with my instructor plane in the airport.
Yesterday i met my mother.
Yesterday I had breafast at 09 am.
Yesterday I had lunch at 02 pm.
Yesterday I had dinner at 23 pm.