Aid Organizations

Aid Organizations

Postby Fernanda Carvalho » Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:11 pm

• Where do these organizations work?
They work all over the world.
• What do they do?
All organizations have in common, humanitarian aid, aid in times of emergency, support for the development of nations. From the environment to the care of women and children.
• Where and when did each organization start?

• The World Bank 1944 The World Bank is like a cooperative, made up of 189 member countries. These member countries or shareholders are represented by a Board of Governors, who are the main policy makers of the World Bank.

• Action Aid We were founded in 1972 and are present in 45 countries, reaching over 15 million people worldwide. In Brazil since 1999, we operate in more than 2,400 communities and benefit more than 300 thousand people.

• Caritas - With almost 60 years of history, we are a solidary network of more than 15 million agents, a voluntary condition, with action throughout the country. In the last 10 years, we have been able to help more than 300 thousand families, contributing to a transformation of their lives and returning a rubber band of new achievements.

• Care International -CARE was founded in 1945 when 22 American organizations teamed up to rush the CARE salvation packages for World War II survivors. Thousands of Americans, including President Harry S. Truman, have contributed to the effort. On May 11, 1946, the first 15,000 parcels arrived at the battered port of Le Havre in France.

• Oxfam
• Under the name of the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, founded in Oxford, England, in 1942 by a group led by Canon theodore Richard Milford (1896-1987) and made up of Quaker intellectuals, activists and academics Oxford.
Fernanda Carvalho

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