The World Bank
The World Bank Group works in more than 170 countries, working with partners in the public and private sectors in their efforts to end poverty and tackle some of the most pressing development challenges.
What do they do?
The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. They provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face.
Where and when did each organisation start?
Founded in 1944 on Washington D.C, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development—soon called the World Bank—has expanded to a closely associated group of five development institutions. Originally, its loans helped rebuild countries devastated by World War II.
Action Aid
Where do these organisations work?
They are an international organisation, working with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustic
What do they do?
they focus on the people that others forget. People in poverty. People who face discrimination. People whose voices are ignored.
Where and when did each organisation start?
What do they do?
Covenant Foundation's purpose is to support Covenant Health's 150-year legacy of providing quality compassionate care -- healing the body, enriching the mind and nurturing the soul. The Foundation raises funds to help support leading edge programs and services, state of the art health care equipment, research and education.
Where and when did each organisation start?
In 1994, three Edmonton hospitals (Edmonton General, Grey Nuns and Misericordia, ) merged into one health group known as the Caritas Health Group. At the same time, two separate Foundations serving the three hospitals also began operating as one – The Caritas Foundation
Care International
Where do these organisations work?
In 2016, they worked in 94 countries, supporting 962 humanitarian aid and poverty-fighting projects to reach more than 80 million people.
What do they do?
The majority of the world’s poorest billion people are women and girls.
The share of women employed outside of agriculture remains as low as 20 percent in Southern Asia, Western Asia and Northern Africa.
Around the world, it is women and girls who are disproportionately affected by poverty and discrimination. Imagine: women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours. They earn ten percent of the world’s income. Yet they own just one percent of the world’s property. Often, women and girls are not allowed to make decisions about their household’s income, or tradition and culture forbid them to leave their homes.
In other words, half of the population in some countries cannot contribute to their family’s and community’s economic development. A great resource goes untapped. But women are an important part of the solutions needed to truly overcome poverty. They play a key role in navigating their family and their community to a better life.
Where and when did each organisation start?
The first CARE package arrived in Le Havre, France, in May 1946, the first of a wave of responses to millions in need of food and relief supplies at the end of World War II. Known then as the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, it consisted of 22 American charities of civic, religious, cooperative and labor backgrounds. CARE took possession of 2.8 million USA army surplus packages in 1946, each containing enough food to feed ten people for one day, or one person for ten days. The packages contained staples such as butter, dried milk, canned meat, and sometimes even chocolate and chewing gum.
Where do these organisations work?
From Oxfam they are aware that many of the causes of poverty are interrelated and therefore they use many strategies to combat it and fight against injustice.
When a crisis occurs, we provide vital help and support the people affected so they can recover their livelihoods.
What do they do?
We work with community organizations on a daily basis to find practical and innovative ways to help people rise out of poverty and thrive, as well as to exercise their fundamental rights as women and men.
In addition, they work on advocacy and we carry out local and global campaigns for equity and justice so that people in poverty can influence the decisions that affect them.
Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 organizations working with partner organizations and local communities in more than 90 countries. We work by providing emergency aid, conducting long-term development projects and campaigning for a more just future.
Where and when did each organisation start?