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quiz for my classmates.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:31 pm
by Marco Guimaraens
Now use the Web sites that you find to write a quiz for your classmates.
1. What does the word astronaut mean? Astronaut is the person who is part of the crew of a spaceship or who is trained and prepared to do so.
2. How long does it take to put on a space suit? Up to three hours when it comes to EMU, the light approximately 30 minutes.
3. How much do astronauts earn? A GS-12 level astronaut earns more than $ 82,680 annually.
4. What can you see in space? Stars, planets and other celestial bodies
5. How old do astronauts need to be? There are no age restrictions. In the past, the age range was between 26 and 46 years old. The average age is 34 years.
6. How do astronauts sleep in space? They usually rest in sleeping envelopes that can be tied to different fixed platforms, which can be beds or walls, that is, they can sleep horizontally or vertically.