Write a quiz.

Write a quiz.

Postby Юш О.Н. » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:01 pm

1. What was the name of the first manned space mission?
Apollo 11
2.When Apollo 11 was sent to his first mission?
In 1969.
3. What is the thing that astonauts do more?
experiment with a diferent materials
4. when the man walked on the moon?
In 1969
5. What was the first astronaut to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong.
6. How the astronauts get in to the space?
in a transbord that they use as an space ship
Юш О.Н.

Re: Write a quiz.

Postby antonio.mannara » Wed May 16, 2018 1:55 pm

1.When begin the first worl war?
In 1915.
2.When begin the second worl war?
In 1942.
3. When is in ITALY the liberation day?
25 th April
4. When the pope WOJTYLA is dead?
02 th April

Re: Write a quiz.

Postby Limonov Danila » Fri May 03, 2019 6:12 am

1. What was the name of the first manned space mission?
Apollo 11
2.When Apollo 11 was sent to his first mission?
In 1969.
3. What is the thing that astonauts do more?
experiment with a diferent materials
4. when the man walked on the moon?
In 1969
5. What was the first astronaut to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong.
6. How the astronauts get in to the space?
in a transbord that they use as an space ship
Limonov Danila

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