Unit 9

Unit 9

Postby Nicolas Rivera Casas » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:49 pm

I prefer travel with someone, like my girlfriend, then we make a plan for what kind of thing we going to use and which is our destiny, and yes we like this type of aventure travels.

For equipment, i see that is missing something important in the box because, for my the most important thing is water i can't live without my glass of water ( more than less five per day) the hole things in the box are important but water? is the most important for me, so i will chose a lot of water first-aid kit tentrucksack matches sewing kit whistle and pots and pans.

Why do the people go to Faroe Islands?
To see Tórshavn that is an important city in the Faroe Islands.
Nicolas Rivera Casas

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