Save the Children

Save the Children

Postby Pui Yip Chow » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:44 am

Save the Children will save some children that are in poverty. The children that are orphaned, abused, abandoned. Save the Children rescue the children that live in the US and around the world. They have a website and have some advertisement on the internet to raise money. They also have a child sponsorship and shop the gift catalog.
Pui Yip Chow

Re: Save the Children

Postby Cherry Chen » Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:06 am

1.Do you think that charities are a good idea? Why / Why not?
2.Have you ever been on a sponsored walk/swim/run, etc., for charity?
3.What unusual thing would you do to raise money for a charity? For example, would you stand on one leg? Swim across the English Channel? What else?
4.Are there any big or famous charities in your country? What do they do?
Cherry Chen

Re: Save the Children

Postby Cherry Chen » Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:22 am

1.Who does the charity hope to help?
2.What countries does the charity work in?
3.How does the charity raise money?
4.Can you find any unusual fundraising or sponsorship activities?
Cherry Chen

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