

Postby Pilar » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:53 pm

Do you think that charities are a good idea? Why / Why not?
I think is important have Charity organizations that help people who have not economic resources for take care of their health, study, eat, have a room for live, etc.
Ideally the government, with our taxes, must cover citizens' needs, but we know that it is not possible.
For me the problem is when the religious criteria or political ideas are above people and only help who that think the same way.
Have you ever been on a sponsored walk/swim/run, etc., for charity?
When I sponsor any charity organization I give money directly, I didn’t do any special sport.
What unusual thing would you do to raise money for a charity?
When I was child I remember have raised money with a piggy bank for the Domund day, for help the missions in Africa.
Are there any big or famous charities in your country? What do they do?
For me the most important charities organization are Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and Caritas.
Red Cross have a lot of volunteers for working helping people in the sea, on the beach, on the road. They are working too with old people with Alzheimer or other mental problems, they help too their families, especially the carers.
Caritas help poor people and immigrants, giving them eat, giving clothes, paying rooms for live, or electricity receipts, etc.

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