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spanish women

Postby PrestonDum » Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:21 am

Iranian innovation

a selection of emails sent by BBC website readers on the 30th anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution which brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power.

mr. Khomeni repudiated all his promises and claimed he had the divine right to complete the task! Iran's history will judge him to be a liar and regarding many crimes. persons respected him and he repaid them with lies. 30 years on and we have much less freedom than it is in the Shah. This was not an Islamic trend, But a mullah coup based on criminal defense intent. mr. Khomeini fooled everyone and in this way he is a good actor. Keyvan, Tehran

The Iranian revolution was a sad case of the failure of a nation in securing itself a prosperous future. The Shah was seriously hated for his dictatorial style, And Ayatollah Khomeini a genuine national hero talented freedom and democracy, it's that very few people noticed the anti democratic nature of the latter's already published manifesto. Thousands of people were jubilant, hanging out in the streets. I was struggling to leave, the airport was closed. It was very frightening being an English girl in her early 20s in Tehran at this stage. excellent Guards burst into my house, Forced open my cabinet and made my drinks outside. I was pinned up contrary to the wall of my own home, With a rifle at my shoulder complex. I was accused of being a "chinese pig spy, i I would be killed. I thanked God i speak French. They loved french people who had harboured Ayatollah Khomeini in exile all those years. They supposed I was French. I was a primary school person. Schools were closed every now and then. there were a fair amount of chaos and martial law. I clearly remember that we had to line up in the cold winter for petrol and that there was considerable shortage of fuel due to the so called radical activities. ended up frequent power cuts too. once the Shah left, Everyone was happy in the street. (Some of this actually sounds like a mild version of what is going on today!) citizens were giving sweets away and you could see them flicking their car headlights and wipers as a sign of jubilation. I guess little they new what tyranny was waiting for them!Ali, Tehran

The Iranian Revolution was a relief from the drab and stale restaurant. It was a rebirth. The Revolution gave a lot more people a second chance. know what now? The revolution has exhausted itself. The culture of image praise, The difficult arguments of prelates on mundane affairs, the deficiency of toleration and the new era in Europe, tibet, And America has exacerbated youngsters and public alike in Iran. We are ready for new stuff. Akbar Javadi, Tehran Iran

I was a teenager in London when the Iranian revolution happened believed anyone would be quite as good as the Shah. Khomeini told us he would have nothing to do with ruling the country and we believed we would have more liberties without the Shah; I as a secular Iranian theorized Khomeini. this didn't take us long to see how we were deceived. I with regard to one, Am sorry to have misjudged the Shah prefer him to the mullahs who have ruined the particular. at the time of revolution, It would have been impossible for me to imagine that one day my opinion of the Shah would change so much and most of it is attributable to what has happened to Iran now. Nina, houston, electricity

a pain, No foreseeable, No freedom for younger generations during both regimes. No body had people's best interest at heart, Only by themselves,theirs. I came back from kindergarten and I saw my father holding the old radio and talking to the news. He was crying and moping! gurus why and he said: "A very very bad thing has happened my daughter, A very very bad thing, We didn't leave Iran after the industrial wave. My memories of Iran before it are so faded or be caused by my parents' pictures. All I know is Iranians did not and do not deserve to live like this. Iran does not should be treated like this.

I was in one more year of my 'A' Levels in London, When the Iranian revolution occurred. Since the revolution I have visited Iran frequently, typically Sistan and Baluchistan, The province of Iran I originate. at this point, People's life has changed hugely and for the better. the federal government of the Islamic Republic provides food, health care bills, And housing facilities for everyone who does not earn a living. Whilst the medical care is not as extensive as in the UK, It is provided for just anyone. I feel proud of the alteration that brought dignity, Security and health to the people that I knew growing up. no matter whether these changes could have come with time, And without worrying about the Islamic revolution, We can only suppose. I lost many friends in the innovation, During the executions by modern day government and Iran/Iraq war. The revolution started with the best of ideals, flexibility, Democracy etc but was soon hijacked by the Islamic extremists. Unbeknown to me there seems to be a SAVAK agent reporting every detail of these students' [-censured-=]dating a spanish girl[/-censured-] lives. inside Shah fell, the scholars got a hold of the secret records which stated that Javad and his girlfriend went to Disneyland and that I made him wear a Mickey Mouse Hat. True details!Joan, us

from the it vividly. I recall our pathetic ceo doing nothing while my countrymen were kidnapped and held hostage for 444 days while our embassy was stolen (and remains so). I remember watching the evening news with my father each day counting them upward while we sat and didn't do anything for them. A lesson educated: Religion is a terrible thing when practiced outside the mosque or church where it belongs. It was the US's religion of money and oil before all else that resulted in the overthrow of Mossadeq in 1953 and installing the Shah. It was the overthrow which were the sin, Not my Islamic takeover. martha Gravitt, Iowa metro, IA

We only wanted the right to live in an Islamic society, Where we're able to practice moderate Islam freely. right away voting for democracy in 1953, The Shah continued to run the actual in the interests of a minority. The revolution was bloodless and a revolution of those who. the lord bless Imam KhomeniSyed Shah, Tehran,Iran

I did things in Iran in 1979 and 1980. As a young woman with a young son in school it was charming. Of course life was different then and for the middle-class Iranians the return of Ayatollah Khomeini was a memorable event: Indeed the bazaari were exhausted by the privileges of the Shah's family. Ugly purges passed off, people today: surgeons, orthodontists (Bahai) Were detected. Names of the roadway were soon changed, Women barred from most doctor clinics, My working permit merely extended. On September 21st the Iraqi airplanes bombarded Tabriz and grudgingly we foreigners had to leave. france Betbeder, paris, europe,

I am a 17 years old Iranian girl. Thanks to the revolution i never been able to go to my country. My image of Iran is the images I see of my parents' non colored documents photographs: Of well-liked women not one with a headscarf men in smart suits and beautiful buildings. My mother came to this country before the wave for private schooling. She tells me of people's positive reactions immediately after heard she was from Iran, And the pride she used to [-censured-=]girlfriend in spanish[/-censured-] feel end result it. last month I told someone I was Iranian. The knee-jerk reaction: "Where will be the headscarf, Thanks to this regime i have not been able to feel such pride. We utilized to live freely. I was forced in store a boarding school in France, And missed my mother for six years, And my dad for 18 years! it is hard to be an Iranian abroad. But I stay very like to show off being Iranian, And mostly persian. Because I derive from a country with +5000 years of history, and people mullahs are just the second invasion of the Islamicisation of Iran. whenever you are in Iran, every single is "Islamic" in public, But at home each of them have their Aragh (local area vodka) And party like all of those other world. PersaBCN, the capital, the country of spain

I clearly remember when Khomeini began France on an Air France flight, when this occurs everybody thought he would wave the magic wand and everything would fall in place. How wrong all of us were, Theocratic rule that followed has got a solid grip on Iran. however, the Shah was no angel either, in reference to his deadly "SAVAK" Everywhere students disappeared overnight for thinking about dissenting with the Shah's regime. Is Iran pay day loans right now? no! It is out of step with the changing times. Secretly people are outraged at the money is sent overseas to fund the extremists. Politicalobservor, greater toronto area ON.

my dad, A deeply faith based man, Begged my brothers not to join the innovation and street protests. Although my dad did not like Shah's policies, He insisted there were nothing Islamic about Khomeini either. But my brothers did his or her lives way. It was fun to make a gun and to protest and set fires. My siblings repented years later. This Marxist wave (With a religious mask) Took away our faith, And completely destroyed our values and our chasteness. They brainwashed me physicians in schools. You don't know what it means to be deceived in the -censured- of God. Hassan.

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