

Postby Neus » Fri May 25, 2007 10:40 am

Aries, the Sign of the Ram, is the first in the Western Zodiac cycle, running from March 21 to April 19. It is the cardinal Fire Sign, making those born under its influence especially energetic. Typical aspects of the Aries person include an eagerness to forge ahead and take risks, perseverance in the face of adversity, the belief that others are innocent until proven guilty, and an overall quality of leadership.
These are counterbalanced by a tendency towards intolerance, jealousy, selfishness and stubbornness as well. The Aries individual can also be an extremely poor judge of character, concerned as they are with the surface appearance of things and people. Winning for an Aries isn't everything -- it's the only thing.

Taurus, the Sign of the Bull, is the second Sign of the Western Zodiac and runs from April 20 to May 20. It is an Earth Sign. Those born of the Bull are often chided for their taciturnity and concomitant tendency to be boring, but if they carefully avoid becoming stagnant, their finer qualities will soon become apparent: for instance, there is no one more dependable, loving and loyal than a Taurus.
Gentleness, an abiding calm, and the patience of a saint are also characteristics, although these may mask a stubbornness that can be revealed during the course of an argument. Overly careful and conservative in some cases, they also pride themselves on a job done thoroughly -- there is a tremendous work ethic present here. Taureans also make really good cooks.
Gemini, the Sign of the Twins, is third in the Western Zodiac and extends from May 21 to June 20. It is also an Air Sign. Typical Geminis are very lively and charming, and excellent conversationalists. They are possessed of very active minds and bodies, and are often much younger-looking than they really are. Invention is their stock in trade. On the down side, they are also restless, easily bored, and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time.
Forever changing their mind at the drop of a hat, they are notoriously undependable. There is also present a tendency to manipulate others to serve their own purposes. But a Gemini will more than make up for any negative qualities though the sheer scintillating entertainment value of their very presence!
Cancer, the Sign of the Crab, is the cardinal Water Sign and the fourth Sign of the Western Zodiac, extending from June 21 to July 22. As such, it amplifies the characteristics common to all four Water Signs: dreaminess, intuition, emotion and the need for a safe retreat. A certain degree of spirituality is also present. Negative characteristics may include possessiveness, insularity, moodiness and selfishness, but these can be easily glossed over by the Cancerian arsenal of good traits.
Some of these are: tenacity, kindness, sensitivity, compassion and excellent memory retention skills. Cancer natives are very domestic and prefer to expend their energies in fortifying their home environment to their own satisfaction. They also prefer large families, so that they may have a roost to run.
Leo, the Sign of the Lion, is the fifth Sign of the Western Zodiac, extending from July 23 to August 22, and is a Fire Sign. Typical Leo attributes include an irrepressible playfulness and a sunny disposition that is rarely routed by any sudden adversity. Honesty and loyalty, courageousness and an undying spirit of self-sacrifice -- the laundry list goes on and on.
Drawbacks include an inability to comprehend the ulterior motives of others, or to look beneath the facade of things. This is also compounded with all the tricks used to shore up a fragile ego -- boasting, brazen behavior coupled with a constant belittling of those around you, especially friends and lovers. You can also take undue credit for projects where the bottom line might more justly be spread around.
Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Western Zodiac. It is an Earth Sign and extends from August 23 to September 22. The typical Virgo personality is very concerned with structure, neatness and order, to the exclusion of nearly everything else. They are very cerebral, and tend to make few, if any, concessions to the often dirty and distracting nature of reality.
This may make them seem too demanding at times, with a nitpicking attention to detail that can drive the denizens of other Signs batty. But Virgo is really a very friendly type, and quite knowledgeable about nearly every subject under the rainbow. As long as everyone learns to play by their rules, they can be quite accommodating and rather good company, having about themselves an air of quiet wit.
Libra, the Sign of the Scales, is the seventh Sign of the Western Zodiac. The cardinal Air Sign, it takes place between September 23 and October 22. The Air Element is a metaphor for intelligence motivated to action, and Libras manifest this quality in job lots. The typical Libra is artistic and refined, has very strong opinions regarding right and wrong, and is a born diplomat.
They are also charming and sincere, but when unhappy or frustrated in their ambitions they may exhibit some less attractive traits, such as laziness, narcissism, and indecisiveness. Librans are uncontrollably flirtatious, and even though they may not intend to cause any discord by this, to them, harmless habit, it may get them in hot water with those who regard is as a symptom of underlying dissatisfaction.
Scorpio, the Sign of the Scorpion, is the eighth sign of the Western Zodiac, extending from October 23 to November 21. It is associated with the Water Element. The typical Scorpio personality profile will exhibit a variety of characteristics -- self-criticism, intense concentration, and a drive so passionate as to result in either complete success or utter failure.
Scorpios also have a strong self-destructive streak, coupled with an unreasoning temper that can be triggered at the slightest provocation. They can also be very suspicious and jealous if they feel they have reason to be, which is often. Their emotional dynamism makes them extraordinary in any career path they may pursue -- for better or for worse, depending upon the circumstances.
Sagittarius, the Sign of the Archer, is the ninth Sign of the Western Zodiac, occurring from November 22 to December 21. It is associated with the Element of Fire. Common characteristics of the Sagittarius personality include a bright, sunny disposition and an almost incurable sense of optimism regarding the future.
Couple this with an abundant good nature, irrepressible sense of fun and an inspiring spiritual side and you have one of the most uplifting Signs of them all. Of course, if things aren't going right, a Sagittarian may display some of the less welcome behavior profiles, including impatience, fear of responsibility, self-indulgence, fanaticism, and a refusal to grow up. There is also a tendency to become addicted to gambling.

Capricorn, the Sign of the Goat, is the tenth Sign of the Western Zodiac, occurring between December 22 and January 19 of the following year. It is the cardinal Earth Sign, and this quality is made manifest in the intensely pragmatic nature of those who are natives of Capricorn.
All of the traits associated with this Sign mirror this essential nature: good organizational skills, neatness and tidiness, hardheaded practicality, cautious realism, a strong work ethic, materialistic tendencies, a conservative streak a mile wide, conventionality and great respect for authority. The down side to all of these admirable traits is obvious to the less regimented observer: egotism, the tendency to be a cruel taskmaster, servility when on the bottom rung of the ladder, and excess perfectionism.
Aquarius, the Sign of the Water Bearer, is the eleventh Sign of the Western Zodiac, occurring from January 20 to February 18. It is associated with the Air Element. Typical manifestations of the Aquarius personality include an intense desire to communicate, whatever the medium, and if this should be blocked, the natural result is a retreat into stubborn solitude.
Aquarius people can also be a bit tactless and rude if they don't learn to moderate their constant broadcasting around those who opinions may be a bit more on the conservative side. The Aquarian interest in the human race manifests itself as a penchant for the implementation of reforms in the social structure, which may or may not be practicable in their Utopian breadth of scope.
Pisces, the Sign of the Fishes, is the twelfth and last Sign of the Western Zodiac. It runs from February 19 to March 20, and is associated with the Water Element. Typical Piscean personality traits include a penchant for shyness and an abiding love and trust for all those who enter their charmed circle.
They are eternally romantic in the classic sense, and have a well-deserved reputation for stumbling over their own feet, due to their heads being up above the clouds all the time. This terminally mystical dreaminess gives them their strong creative streak, however, and also aids in their ability to understand and commiserate with the wishes, wants and desires of others. Unfortunately, the Piscean mind can easily lose touch with reality if left unchecked in its internal deliberations.

Astrology has been around in one form or another for a very long time, even before mankind's earliest written records began. Around 5000 BC there was evidence of astrology and astronomy in stone circles in Great Britain and France.
The modern astrology of today began in Mesopotamia and Sumeria, where the celestial bodies and their relationship with crop planting were observed.
The seasons were important in their influence to bring about the best harvest, and the sun was worshipped for its effects on the land and crops. The phases of the moon were predicted to bring pattern and regularity, and a measure of time.

There are several different kinds of Astrology around the world which physically are represented in different ways, but curiously are quite similar under the surface. In the West you will find Classical Astrology with many signs and meanings portrayed on a Zodiac "Birth Chart."
The kind of Astrology I learned is called "Huber Astrology" which places emphasis on colour in the chart and is an offshoot of Classical Astrology, this is a system I personally find easier to work with. Over time I have found a working method that I am comfortable with that is based on Huber Astrology but allows me to work quickly in a very analytical, friendly and Humanistic fashion.

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