Other techniques

Other techniques

Postby ausiaspq » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:58 am

Colour of the Skin in Palmistry
The health of a person is often indicated by the colour of their hands. Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation. Pink hands are usually a sign of good health in palmistry. Red hands may indicate high blood pressure. Blue-ish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the circulation of the blood supply. The normal colour of the palm should be rosy and pinkish.

History of Astrology - Origins and Beginnings
Astrology Through Time 6000 years ago, in the top of an old Chaldean watchtower priests studied the skies. This is basically the earliest known practice of astrology, but it is a safe bet that it has been around much longer then this. Astrology and Astronomy used to be considered the same thing. It is now defined by schools in America as a "pseudo science". As time passed and "astronomy" became more "exact" and less about predictions and other esoteric things, astrology separated from astronomy. Does this lessen astrology? No, it simply makes it different and better defined because astrology most certainly is not an exact science, it is filled with theories and speculation.


In this section you'll find loads of information about graphology or handwriting analysis.

What are the benefits of handwriting analysis? How can it help you personally and how can you make use of it?

You'll find the answers here.

Behind the Scenes

Go behind the scenes to see exactly how handwriting analysis works. Take a look at some handwriting samples and see what they reveal.

You can also find out about the background of handwriting analysis. Read about its history and the research that has been done.

Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye which locates areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person's body according to their way of life.

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