Albert Calvo

Home air pollution problems are a growing concern of more and more people. Fatigue, headaches, asthma, allergies... coming from various indoor air pollution factors.
There are reasons why the indoor air quality problem has grown in last decades. First, due to energy conservation initiatives of the 1970s, new buildings are much more air tight, blocking the natural home ventilation of the incoming outdoor fresh air. Without enough attention to ventilation, the air tight buildings conserve and accumulate carbon monoxide and other pollutants.
Another enemy of the indoor air quality in your room or home is those many newly -introduced synthetic materials - used in construction, carpeting, insulation, pressed wood furniture and so on. They are cheaper than the natural materials.
While there is no one universal clean air machine, there are complementary ways to control one or another aspect of home or office air quality. And this home air qulity guide is here to help you recognize your home air quality problems and find ways to solve them. Ways that would suit your personal situation.
Know the basics first, before you invest in any air purifier or some other home air filtration system. Or else you may waste a lot of money and effort on solving wrong problems with wrong tools.
There are reasons why the indoor air quality problem has grown in last decades. First, due to energy conservation initiatives of the 1970s, new buildings are much more air tight, blocking the natural home ventilation of the incoming outdoor fresh air. Without enough attention to ventilation, the air tight buildings conserve and accumulate carbon monoxide and other pollutants.
Another enemy of the indoor air quality in your room or home is those many newly -introduced synthetic materials - used in construction, carpeting, insulation, pressed wood furniture and so on. They are cheaper than the natural materials.
While there is no one universal clean air machine, there are complementary ways to control one or another aspect of home or office air quality. And this home air qulity guide is here to help you recognize your home air quality problems and find ways to solve them. Ways that would suit your personal situation.
Know the basics first, before you invest in any air purifier or some other home air filtration system. Or else you may waste a lot of money and effort on solving wrong problems with wrong tools.