song about happiness

song about happiness

Postby x.a. » Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:22 pm


Don't worry be happy
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy

In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy now
Don't worry, Be happy

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy

The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Look at me, I'm happy

Give you my phone number
When you worry, call me, I make you happy
Now there, is this song I wrote
I hope you learned it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy

Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
When you worry you make it double

Don't worry,
be happy,
be happy now.

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