Electrical equipment

Electrical equipment

Postby Laura » Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:18 am

For me the electrical equipment most useful are:

1. Alarm clock: Especially for the people who has to get up so early. I think it’s a fantastic invention that prevents a lot of dismissals!
2. Mobile phone: I think it’s very useful because now you can phone from wherever we want and whenever we need. It’s also a good tool to communicate with your friends or your family when you are on a business travel or your children are on a trip. It allows you keep on touch in every moment.
3. Microwave oven. One of the best inventions of the modern life! The perfect excuse for the people who work a lot of hours and always say that they don’t have time to cook and eat correctly
4. Laptop computer. Essential for the business trips, to make the most of all the travels by plane or train because you can work and use Internet wherever you are.

Re: Electrical equipment

Postby ddiaz » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:36 pm

I’ve chosen these five things: alarm-clock, micro-oven, laptop computer, mobile phone and remote control. I’ve ordered them based on my priorities.

The most useful thing is alarm-clock because if I don’t switch it on, I’m sure I don’t wake up every morning. After waking up, I always use micro-oven to heat my cup of milk. Laptop and mobile phone are necessary to work. And the last thing is remote control, I rest better on sofa changing channels with it.

Re: Electrical equipment

Postby gvilluendas » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:21 pm

I choose the next electronic equipment:

1)Alarm clock
2)Laptop computer
3)CD player
4)Satellite dish
5)Mobile phone

The alarm-clock is the most important because we are living in a society based in the measurement of the time. The laptop computer, in fact all the computers, is a great machine, because you can do a lot of things with it and it haves a big power of calculation. CD player is like a present for me, the possibility of listen music ad-hoc is fantastic! The satellite dish is a symbol of the modern society: global communications and the space conquest. Finally the mobile phone is an essential element in our lifes.

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