

Postby Unit 2 Tutorial 1 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:24 pm

First, In a job interview I think the most important think impress an interviewer is the personality of the applicant. If the applicant is a positive person and has a strong personality, sure of himself or herself, polite and he or she is an enterpriser person, probably this applicant will obtain this job.

I’ve been interviewed for a job six years ago. I was very nervous, but it was an easy interview, because there was a practise job and was too easy obtaining this position because a scholarship holder is cheaper than a skilled worker.

To someone that search their first job I would say that is not easy to find a job when you don’t have experience, and probably this first job isn’t relate about their studies, but they must to fight for search a job they like it.
Unit 2 Tutorial 1

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