Postby evaboe » Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:33 pm

Special Training Courses related with Personology:
Parent/Teens Workshops
Personology enables parents and teens to understand each other and provides a safe means of communications and connection. It creates clear and definite personal boundaries that all can recognize and honor.

Newborn And New Parents Workshops
These training sessions are tools for new parents to better understand what to expect from their new family member and to learn how they will differ in their individual relationship to the new baby and its personality.

Face Two Face Communications Workshops
Look at yourself from the "outside" in. Learn to know how you appear to and affect others and how to use that knowledge to get positive responses and results.

Career Selection
Get paid to do what you love to do. Find out which careers are "naturals" for you. When we do what we are built to do we can excel at it, it is easier and we have less stress and more enthusiasm and joy in our lives.

Teacher/Student Workshops
These training sessions are tools for teachers to better understand what their student's learning styles and needs are, as well as to help the teacher better understand the individual student's emotional needs.

Sales Training Workshops Sales training sessions give sales people the skills to properly approach, connect, present their information, and close their sales according to the needs of their clients. It also shows how their own traits can block or enhance their success.

Personnel Selection Or Placement Workshops
Business training sessions are tools developed for owners, managers, administrators and/or human resource specialists. These skills reduce stress and employee turn-over--as well as offering a structure to create happy and productive employees.

Relationship Or Partnership Coaching Sessions
Takes 2 sessions per person [if there have been no previous profiles done]. and one group session. Find the trouble spots, learn how to recognize them and what to do about them. For business or personal partnerships.

Jury Selection
Learn how to select or read how a jury will respond. Used by many successful attorneys.

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