Happiness II

Happiness II

Postby garsecall » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:56 am

There are a lot of happy moments in my live. Some of them are with my family and my friends but I have a happy moments in my job too. I think that is in the simple things (like the song says) where there is de truth happiness.

About a Song, I like “Wonderful live” of Black. There are a lot of versions of this song but the original is the best. Every time I listen this song I feel very happy but I don’t know why.


Postby LOLA » Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:28 am

The doctor says: Where do you have pain?
And the pacient answer: I have pain here.
And the doctor reply: Then, go there.


Postby LOLA » Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:48 am

The jokes have a nationality, the catalan jokes aren't the best but they are the ours. This is a web of catalan jokes: http://www.acudits.net/

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