Postby Carles Castrillo » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:41 pm

- Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation. Pink hands are usually a sign of good health in palmistry. Red hands may indicate high blood pressure. Blue-ish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the circulation of the blood supply. The normal colour of the palm should be rosy and pinkish.
- Palmists will mostly examine your most active had which is usually the one you write with. Its this hand that shows your current and future trends. The passive hand in palmistry tends to show your childhood.
- First you will notice that mostly men will tend to have fewer lines then a woman. The majority of hands will have the four major lines, the fate, life, heart and head line.
- It most be noted that if a person is truely dedicated to succeed in a career choice they will even if their palms may disagree.
- It is usually found that people who like to work outdoors have spatulate fingertips.
- A full set of square fingertips in palmistry shows us the orderly methodical type of person.
-Do you have a loop of seriousness on your palm. This loop sits between your ring finger and the middle finger. On women it usually indicates they are nurses or teachers. On men it can show business skills and success in life.
- Well if a person has a strong index finger that thrusts out on its own it shows a person who likes to lead and make decisions.
- But if the person has a short index finger it will show the palmist that the person likes to work alone and often become self employed as a writer or an artist.
- People with arch fingerprints usually have jobs that are detailed special skills.
- But whorl fingerprints show us some artistic skills in palmistry.
- Small handed people do things on a big level, people with big hands do things involving fine detail.
- People with air hands are good communicators, are popular and often work in the area of media.
- In the study of palmistry what happens when we see people with a missing fate line. These people have a somewhat unique nature about them. Often they will change jobs several times in their life. Their life is never settled and they shift around a lot. But how can palmistry help the employer find the right employee. Well, the simplest way is to look the the fingers. If they lie close together it shows a hard working stable employee. But if there are wide gaps between the fingers it may show a employee that will cause problems.-
Carles Castrillo

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