Mobile phones and health.

Mobile phones and health.

Postby Laura » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:46 pm

I found an interesting article on the Web of BBC who explains the results of a study by scientists at the University of Lund about the health risks of Mobile phones.

Mobile phone 'brain risk'

Mobile phone users are worried about health risks
Radiation emissions from mobile phones could place users at risk of brain conditions including Alzheimer's Disease, according to new reports.
Researchers in Sweden have found that just two minutes' exposure to energy waves from a handset can disable a defence mechanism in the body designed to prevent harmful proteins and toxins in the blood from entering the brain.
In what is the latest in a series of mobile phone health scares, once the proteins enter brain tissue there is a higher risk of brain and nerve diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis developing.

Microwave tests

The study by scientists at the University of Lund, near Malmo, exposed rats to microwave pulses similar to the emissions from a mobile phone to calculate the effect on the body's blood-brain barrier, the Daily Mail reports.
Within two minutes of exposure, the rats' brain tissue was found to be opened up to proteins and toxins contained in the blood after the defence mechanism was disabled.
Professor Leif Salford, the neurologist who carried out the study, told the paper: "We saw the opening of the blood-brain barrier even after a short exposure to radiation at the same level as mobile phones.
"We are not sure yet whether this is a harmful effect, but it seems that molecules such as proteins and toxins can pass out of the blood while the phone is switched on and cross into the brain."
The research could also cast doubt on current safety guidelines drawn up by the World Health Organisation after it was found the blood-brain barrier can be breached without the mobile phone emissions heating the rats' heads.
'No firm evidence'
Manufacturers are restricted in the strength of microwaves they can use so that they do not exceed levels which would excessively heat users' heads, but the new study indicates damage could occur within current norms.
Mobile phone makers insist radiation amounts are within safety guidelines and a report by the New Scientist earlier this year dismissed the notion that these microwaves could "cook" the brain.
"A mild bout of exercise will heat your head more than the puny microwaves that the devices emit," said the article.
Last month, an all-party committee of MPs also agreed there was no firm evidence to prove there was a health risk from mobile phones.

Mobile phones and health.

Postby Isabel » Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:19 pm

I find this. It's about to use the mobile phone and the pain in our arm

Mobile phone elbow: Chatting for too long could 'stress out a nerve' - and leave you in agonising pain
By Paul Sims
Last updated at 2:35 AM on 04th June 2009

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Using your mobile phone for too long can damage nerves in your arm
They have been blamed for damaging hearing and exposing users to harmful radiation.
Now those who just can't stop chatting into their handsets are facing a new menace - mobile phone elbow.
Users who hold the phone to their ear for long periods are at risk of developing a painful condition in their arm.
By bending their elbow too tightly, and for too long, they could overextend a main nerve.
As well as being painful, this can lead to tingling or numbness from the elbow to the fingers.
Orthopaedic specialists say they are seeing increasing numbers of patients with the condition.
They are advising mobile users to switch the handset from hand to hand every so often to prevent it.
The problem centres on the ulnar nerve, which extends underneath the funny bone and controls the ring and little finger.
If stretched repeatedly the nerve, which travels through the forearm and branches into the hand, can become weakened and scarred.
Blood flow to the nerve can also be restricted, resulting in the tingling.
Known in medical jargon as 'cubital tunnel syndrome', sufferers experience weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars, typing, writing or playing instruments.

However, mobile phone manufacturers strongly deny this.

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