I present you a pen who lets you build an electronic notebook!! Ithink it is an interesting invention because it can facilitate a lot of works. With this gadget you can write everywhere and when you want and in a few seconds you will have all the notes in your PC. Magic!
Zpen Gadget Lets You Build An Electronic Notebook
Make notes, draw sketches and let your creativity flow without being chained to a keyboard, and turn any scrap of paper into your very own electronic notebook. Back in the good old days, before the information superhighway ploughed its way into everyone's living room, people used to write letters to each other to stay in touch. With the increased popularity of email and texts this soon flew out the window and the closest we get to personalising our correspondence is devising kooky e-signatures featuring "uplifting" thoughts for the day and other such banal and sycophantic psychobabble.
The Zpen lets you claim back a bit of your personality and freedom, and gives you a chance to dust off your handwriting. Clip the receiver to the top of any piece of paper or notepad and it will record every single stroke the Zpen makes, even if you're just doodling aimlessly. All you need do is plug the device into your USB drive when you get home (or to the office) and it effortlessly transfers your scrawl to your PC. If you need to convert your handwritten note into a document you can even transform it into plain text using the clever software provided. It's small enough to carry in your pocket, so if you're ever gripped by idea fever you can clip it to a cocktail napkin and scribble away to your heart's content. It will even recognize drawings! It's great to finally see handwriting play such a big part in a futuristic device like this, write and sketch anywhere!