Unit 8 11 Net Seach How could you make a fire with a drink c

Unit 8 11 Net Seach How could you make a fire with a drink c

Postby Javier Garcia » Mon May 09, 2016 10:39 am

You just need three ingredients and a little sunlight.

Use an empty canned beverage like Coca Cola, Pepsi...
Take a good sized bite out of your chocolate bar, because you will not be able to eat it afterward.
Flip the can upside down, take the chocolate bar, and gently but firmly begin to rub the bottom of the can with the bar of chocolate. If it melts it is okay.
The chocolate acts like a burnishing solvent to help polish the dull metal can into a shiny reflective device. If you do not have a chocolate bar, you can use other types of abrasives such as toothpaste or cleanser. The wrapper of the chocolate bar works well for rubbing in the chocolate. Scrub the bottom of the can with the chocolate or other abrasive.
Rinse and repeat until you have turned the dull finish into a shiny polished finish.
Hold the polished bottom of the can at an angle to reflect the sunlight (think magnifying glass).
Hold the polished can about one inch away from some dried fire tinder until you have smoke.
Javier Garcia

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