

Postby Ignacio Pequeño » Thu May 02, 2019 11:51 am

Iridology, a new technique of alternative medicine.

Iridology is the study of the iris, the iris is the colored part of the eye and each person has a unique iris that is different from the others, no two people with the same iris, like fingerprints.

The researchers found that iris can tell us about our health, thinking the iridology is good to detect problems early and give us additional information about our genetic weakness and permit us prevent future problems, but this information cannot be used to diagnose specific diseases.

The iridology divides the iris into zones, each one represents a different part of our body, and regarding this, the iridologists examine the iris using a microscope looking for marks and discolorations and studying them, the iridologists can discover our genetic strengths or weaknesses and the current state of our body and inner organs.

For example, if you see the iris like a clock and you discover a specific mark at 6 o'clock you have a problem with your kidneys, but if the mark is located at 3 o'clock you have an inherited heart problem.
Regarding the discoloration, an orange discoloration indicates us you have a pre-disposition to diabetes and if your iris have a grey or withe ring around it you have problems with the cholesterol.

Ignacio Pequeño

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