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Other techniques

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:25 pm
by Héctor

The graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting claiming to be able to identify the writer, indicating psychological state at the time of writing, or evaluating personality characteristics.

Sumerian merchants were the first to codify their transactions in a recognisable script in 3000BC and the earliest understanding of an individual’s character from their handwriting goes back to 500BC when Confucius warned “Beware of a man whose writing sways like a reed in the wind”.

The Italians in the early 17th century were the founders of modern graphology – with activity centred on the city of Bologna, home of the oldest university and where graphology is still taught today. It is from Italy that graphology has become a recognised subject in the study of human nature and identity all over the world.

In the 19th Century France played a major role in laying the foundations for the formal study of graphology. The subject is now taught across the world in Europe, Israel, North and South America, India and China.

Graphology first came to Britain in the 18th century when Gainsborough, among others, was known to have analysed handwriting, Rosa Baugham published ‘Character Indicated by Handwriting’ in 1871 and the Strand Magazine ran articles on the subject.

From the 1930s a number of groups were formed to discuss the subject. In 1980 the USA Library of Congress re-classified the subject of Analytical Graphology under three categories: Diagnostic Graphology, Documentary Evidence and Selection of Personnel.

However it was not until a tremendous initiative by Frank Hilliger, a pupil of Dr Eric Singer that the subject was put on a formal and professional basis in the UK.

Hilliger set about advertising to graphologists, inviting them to discuss the future of the profession. At a meeting with 148 graphologists at the Victory Services Club in London on October 9, 1983, the British Institute of Graphologists was established and the first edition of The Graphologist was produced later in the same year.

Graphology is a blend of art and science. It is a science because it measures the structure and movement of the written forms - slants, angles and spacing are accurately calculated and the pressure is observed in magnification and with precision. And it is an art because the graphologist has constantly to keep in mind the total context in which the writing is taking place: the 'gestalt' of the writing as a whole.

Writing consists of three things - movement, spacing and form. A graphologist studies these variations as they occur in each of these aspects of writing, and attaches psychological interpretations to them. Expert graphologists can achieve a very high degree of accuracy.

According to Graphology :
- If your handwriting is speedy, angled, high pressure,large size, rightward slant firm down stroke you are an active person.
-The persons have a handwriting with bars and terminal strokes heavy, high and pointed. They have anger
-If your handwritting is right tending movement in the middle zone you are altruism
- The people that have adaptability have handwriting with curved form, garlands, even pressure, moderate speed.